Oh, rejection. I’ve been trying to place a story since October, and I’ve started a counter. It’s at 26 rejections, by far my most rejected story. And during this whole long process, I realized two things: the more rejections I get, the less they sting, and two, I haven’t lost one bit of faith in the story. I just wish I knew if there was really something wrong with it, or if I just haven’t found the right fit for it yet. P.S., I published a post on my blog detailing the “leave earth, look back, nothing matters” feeling last week. Funny.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Taco Bell Quarterly

Rejection! Here I was thinking I was all Zen about it after the "100 Rejections Project" and then get that one - on a full - "on further reading, it didn't hold up for me"... *single tear falls down one's cheek*

But hey, how strong is our faith if it never gets tested? Keep on writing, comrades!

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This was great! Thank you!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Taco Bell Quarterly

Thank you for this.

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